At Apex, we do full body physical therapy. You can trust that we treat all orthopedic conditions to any body part. We work not only to improve the pain complaints of our patients but more importantly, to treat each patient as a person rather than as a diagnosis. Taking this comprehensive approach to orthopedic conditions provides our patients with the best results for their goals. To follow is a helpful reference to help you understand the types of pain and treatments associated with different parts of the body.
Most of us will experience low back pain in some form in our lives. Learning key exercises, postures and body mechanics principles are critical to a healthy spine. Pain can be a result of injury or disease of the lumbar spine and surrounding tissues. Patients can also report pain through the lumbar spine (low back) which could be initiating in the neck or thoracic spine, hips or generally poor movement patterns. Injury can affect any of the ligaments, bursae, bones, cartilage or tendons surrounding the lumbar spine.
Our physical therapists utilize a combination of education, therapeutic exercise, and manual therapy to provide evidence-based treatment approaches that will treat all underlying contributors to your low back pain. They develop a customized treatment plan using manual therapy, therapeutic exercise programs, aerobic conditioning.
Shoulder pain can be a result of injury or disease of the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues. Patients can also report pain through the shoulder region which could be initiated in the neck or thoracic spine. Injury can affect any of the ligaments, bursae , bones, cartilage or tendons surrounding the shoulder joint.
Apex uses manual therapy to regain full range of motion and spinal mobility necessary for proper shoulder mechanics. A specific strengthening program is used to re-establish dynamic rotator cuff stability and fully restore strength and local muscular endurance in the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers. Achieving full mobility and strength will allow us to successfully implement sport-specific drills and functional activities to allow a return to sport and activity.
Neck Pain

Nearly all of us will suffer from headaches or neck pain at some point in life. Headaches (chronic and acute), temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain and neck pain can be caused by many factors. Often if left untreated, even minor periodic headaches or neck pain can be signs of early cervical degeneration and could easily lead to cervical radicular pain with symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling and/or burning through the arm and into the hands and fingers.
Initial treatment will focus on centralizing symptoms through manipulation and mobilization of the cervical and thoracic spine. Posture re-education and scapular strengthening will be a primary focus. Specific strengthening will improve control of neck and shoulder to prevent future pain.
Elbow pain can be a result of injury or disease of the elbow joint and surrounding tissues. It can result from an acute injury as well as repetitive stress (strain) injuries. Patients can also report pain through the elbow region which could be initiated in the cervical spine (neck), thoracic spine (mid-back) or shoulder. Injury can affect any of the ligaments, bursae, bones, cartilage or tendons surrounding the elbow joint.
It is important to have a full assessment with your physical therapist to determine the root cause of your symptoms. Often times, nerve entrapment may be occurring at your elbow, but it could be stemming from neck issues instead. After a full assessment, manual therapy is used to decrease your symptoms at the elbow and allow your body to complete the necessary movements for rehabilitation. A strengthening program will be tailored to your diagnoses.
Wrist and hand pain can be a result of injury or disease of the wrist, hand and surrounding tissues. Patients can also report pain through the wrist and hand which could be initiated in the neck or mid-back, shoulder and/or elbow. Injury can affect any of the ligaments, bursae, bones, cartilage or tendons surrounding the wrist and hand.
Sprains/strains and arthritis, carpal tunnel is a common cause of dysfunction in the hand and wrist. Our physical therapist will be able to perform a full evaluation and look for other potential sources of symptoms such as nerve entrapment, active trigger points, cervical dysfunction. Then the physical therapist or occupational therapist will use manual therapy techniques for treatment and help correct the symptoms.
There are a wide range of disorders as they relate to the hip. As an extremely mobile joint that plays a central role in the action of your entire lower extremity, the hip is at risk for injury. Hip pain can be a result of injury or disease of the hip joint and surrounding tissues. Patients can also report pain through the hip and pelvic region which could be initiated in the low back, knees or foot/ankle complex. Injury can affect any of the ligaments, bursae, bones, cartilage or tendons surrounding the hip joint.
Apex physical therapists will use a combination of manual therapy and exercise for all regions contributing to your hip pain. Manual therapy will often include mobilization/manipulation of both the hip and lumbar spine. Soft tissue mobilization and trigger point release are effective technique for restoring proper function of lumbopelvic stabilizing muscles. Exercise will initially focus on improving activation and control of all muscles necessary to stabilize your hip. As control improves, our therapist will guide you through specific functional movements necessary for you to achieve your goals.
Most of us will experience low back pain in some form in our lives. Learning key exercises, postures and body mechanics principles are critical to a healthy spine. Pain can be a result of injury or disease of the lumbar spine and surrounding tissues. Patients can also report pain through the lumbar spine (low back) which could be initiating in the neck or thoracic spine, hips or generally poor movement patterns. Injury can affect any of the ligaments, bursae, bones, cartilage or tendons surrounding the lumbar spine.
Knee pain is usually the result of poor strength and control either above the joint, at the hip and lumbar spine, or below the joint, at the foot and ankle. Our therapists will perform a comprehensive assessment to not only treat your current area of pain, but to ensure the cause of the pain is addressed as well.
We treat a wide range of disorders of the foot and ankle. Plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, Achilles rupture and other tendonitis are the most common orthopedic diagnoses. Foot and ankle pain can be a result of injury or disease of the many joints that encompass the foot and ankle and surrounding tissues. Patients can also report pain through the foot and ankle region which could be initiating in the low back or hips or knees.
We utilize a combination of manual therapy techniques and exercises to deliver our patients restoration of their normal lives. Our treatment process focuses on reducing the pain and swelling in the ankle for the short term. We utilize soft tissue and joint mobilizations to restore proper joint mechanics and muscle activation. Our therapists also go beyond the injury and to the root of the problem. For example, ankle sprains are likely a result of hip and lower back weakness, paired with poor stability of the ankle. As patients improve, Apex Physical Therapy emphasizes the strength and stability of the entire lower half of the body to promote function and reduce the risk of re-injury.