I know exercise and nutrition are both important – but what does healthy eating really mean?

There are endless lists of clever quotes about exercise and nutrition.

A few of our favorites are; fitness is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition or you can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet. The internet is filled with every possible variation of exercises and fad diets. Just like exercise, any promises of quick-result diets should be considered with extreme caution.

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I’m in my forties and working out to get in shape for summer – how do I avoid injuries?

Getting back in shape can be easier for us when we are in our prime, say between the ages 20 - 35.

However, as we age into our forties, fifties, and beyond, it seems more difficult to get into achieve gains in the gym. No matter your workout goals, whether it’s losing weight, building muscle, or improving cardiorespiratory endurance – avoiding injury is crucial. Injuries will sideline you from your workout routine and derail your progress.

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I have knee pain after exercise – should I be worried about it?

The most common causes of knee pain are related to aging, injury or repeated stress on the knee.

Common knee problems include sprained or strained ligaments, cartilage tears, tendonitis and arthritis. Bending your knee again and again or doing a lot of high-stress exercises, like lunges, squats, leg presses, plyometrics, or even running can irritate tissues in and around your kneecap. When working properly, your kneecap will glide smoothly during knee flexion and extension.

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Regular exercise slow ageing

Regular Exercise Can Slow Aging Process

The researchers set out to assess the health of older adults who had exercised most of their adult lives to see if this could slow down ageing.

The study recruited 125 amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79, 84 of which were male and 41 were female. The men had to be able to cycle 100 km in under 6.5 hours, while the women had to be able to cycle 60 km in 5.5 hours. Smokers, heavy drinkers and those with high blood pressure or other health conditions were excluded from the study.

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